Pants Store began as just that in downtown Leeds in 1950…a store that sold pants. But as the times and trends changed the evolution of the Pants Store took place and it became “MORE THAN JUST PANTS”! A family owned and operated business the Pants Store has grown from one location to six(Crestline, Leeds, Hoover, Tuscaloosa, Auburn and Huntsville) and now carries Men’s, Women’s and Children’s apparel as well as shoes for the whole family. Our store stands out by providing exceptional customer service, as well as fashionable, quality clothing at reasonable prices. Pants Store keeps many of the brand names you love in stock including HOKA, Gold Hinge, PJ Harlow, Elephant Head, Cole Haan, Southern Shirt, Johnnie-O, New Balance and many more.
HQ Location
8029 Parkway Drive
Leeds, AL 35094, US
Exceptional customer serviceProviding fashionable, quality clothingStocking popular brands
Men’s apparelWomen’s apparelChildren’s apparelShoesHOKAGold HingePJ HarlowElephant HeadCole HaanSouthern ShirtJohnnie-ONew Balance