In the spring of 2019, a former UNCC student opened fire into a classroom full of students causing a panic that echoed throughout the entire student body.
Among those students was Paladin Vision’s founder, Hanna Lannes. Experiencing first-hand the senseless violence and chaos that occurs during a school shooting, a passion emerged for utilizing proactive and innovative technological solutions to help provide a safe schooling environment for all.
Paladin Vision believes every child has the right to feel safe as they focus on their education. The presence of devastating gun violence in our nation's schools is a morbid reality, thus the need for a safe school solution is evident. Many schools have initiated active shooter protocols including drills and simulations, however, there are growing concerns for the psychological effects these drills pose to students.
The Paladin Vision is to bring educators and technologists together to champion a platform that provides alternative, proactive, solutions to mitigate gun violence in schools before any damage is done.