The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority, under the Ministry of Science and Technology, is the national standardization body. In performing its duties and functions, PSQCA is governed by the PSQCA Act, 1996. PSQCA came into operation since 1st December 2000, working with 81 scientists/engineers and 254 supporting staff as self-finance organization, been given the task of not only formulation of Pakistan Standards, but is also responsible for promulgation thereof. PSQCA is a member of International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), and International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML). PSQCA has also been established to advise the Government on standardization policies, programmes and activities to promote industrial efficiency and development, as well as for consumer protection.
The main function of the Department is to foster and promote standards and conformity assessment as a means of advancing the national economy, promoting industrial efficiency and development, ensuring the health and safety of the public, protecting the consumers, facilitating domestic and international trade and furthering international co-operation in relation to standards and conformity assessment.
Government Administration
HQ Location
Plot No. St - 7/A, Block - 3, Scheme No. 36, Gulistan-e-Juhar, Karachi – Pakistan
Karachi, Sindh, PK
Standardization and Quality Control