Pacific Expeditors is a world-class wholesale distribution, logistics, sales, and consulting services provider for the California market.
Within our corporate ranks, we possess decades of experience in sales, distribution, military logistics, and operations. Our deep bench in California state policymaking, government compliance, and public affairs provides our clients with an unparalleled level of insightful expertise. Dependability, timeliness, and unmatched professionalism are our cornerstones.
Truck Transportation
HQ Location
1550 Airport Blvd
Santa Rosa, California 95403, US
Military logisticsGovernment compliancePublic affairsState policymaking
Wholesale distribution servicesLogistics servicesSales servicesConsulting services
OperationsPlanningLogisticsOperational StreamliningSupply Chain ManagementGovernment RelationsCrisis ManagementRegulatory ComplianceTransportatioCannabis