The Pacific Log is a company specializing in cargo transportation to the North and Northeast of the country, focused on quality and service excellence, has more than 450 vehicles in operation, ready to meet the most important needs of each customer. We have more than 600 employees in 50,000 m² to operate your cargo from South, Southeast to North and Northeast, totaling 34 units strategic, which facilitates distribution, with continuous plans to expand your business. Our mission is to offer solutions in fractional and closed cargo transportation, with quality, agility, punctuality, safety and professionalism, ensuring satisfaction of all our customers.
Contact us +55.11 2303-4022
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
HQ Location
Avenida Papa João Paulo I 8535
Guarulhos, São Paulo 07170-350, BR
TransporteLogísticaCarga FracionadaSolução LogísticaMalha Norte e NordesteCarga Lotaçãoand E-Commerce