PZU Group is one of the largest insurance companies both in Poland and in Central and Eastern Europe. PZU Group insures more than 25 millions of Poles for most of which it is the symbol of tradition, confidence and long-run market presence.
Traditions of PZU Group trace their roots to 1803 when the first insurance company was established in Poland — since that time PZU Group provides complex insurance coverage for all the most important spheres of life activity. Apart from its insurance activity, PZU Group also manages pension fund and investment funds.
PZU Group — the largest insurance group of Central and Eastern Europe
PZU Group is the first Polish company operating in financial sector, the largest company in terms of gross written premiums (according to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority) and one of the oldest insurance groups in Poland. PZU and PZU Zycie have the highest rating among Polish financial institutions "A" rating with a stable outlook for both companies by "S&P".