PWR is a Pre & Post Workout Solution
We have looked back at over 3,000 years of documented data, understood what they used for Olympians and various other Sports minded people and realised that if we just use minute amounts of products in and macerate it into the lotion and then apply correctly, then just that tiny bit is enough to nudge the body on and say, turn a light on.
Pain is the result of an action.
We do not want to disguise the pain with drugs, because when you disguise something, you go and work it more you go and attack, the more you go and play, the more you go and do whatever and cause more damage in the long term.
We use the products to remind the body, or at least the muscle, to release toxins and relax. The tension will come off the joints of the tendons, which mean the pain disappears in the joint.
You get less rubbing and less wear, and because it's relaxed, toxins tend to get flushed out.
That would be the PRE Product.
The POST Product is designed to do almost the same, keep the body relaxed, flush toxins. But it's also designed to take shock and bruising out.
When you've been punched, knocked, bumped, fallen, hurt, twisted yourself, POST can take the shock out and your body's got a better chance of recovering really quickly.