At PTS, we help companies across America discover hidden revenue opportunities through use of add-on products that promote and/or highlight key services. We are experts at customer retention through loyalty programs, tax prep programs and other key services that our affiliate's customers appreciate.
Through use of cutting-edge training and growth hacking tactics, we have helped hundreds of companies attain measurable success in regards to their financial goals. Tony Farrell, CEO, is a recognized expert in this field and has served as board member to many corporations. We've worked with both national and regional brands.
Services include: Tax Prep, Loyalty Programs, GAP (Guarantee Asset Protection), Debit Card Services, and Telemedicine Benefit Plans.
Industries in which we serve: Consumer Finance, Staffing Agencies, Independent Insurance Agencies, and Independant Tax Preparation Providers.
Let us help you discover hidden opportunities, please visit our website for more details.
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