Pt.Mitra Sanjaya Steel

PVC Pipe, Pipe, Building material
Phone Number: +62 812-9582-647
Dengan Hormat, kami akan memperkenalkan perusahaan kami, PT.MITRA SANJAYA STEEL ( Distributor Besi & Baja) perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang bisnis trading besi dan baja, alat-alat teknik dan bahan-bahan bangunan dll. Berikut ini produk yang kami pasarkan : 1.Carbon Steel Bars ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) • Besi Beton Polos ( Plain Bars) • Besi Beton Ulir ( Deformed Bars) • Besi As ( Round Bars) Eq St.41 • Besi As ( Round Bars) Eq St.60, St.70, St.90 • As Besi Segi Empat ( Square Bars / Vierkan) • As Besi Segi Enam ( Hexagonal Bars) ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) • Silver Steel-Hollow Bars-Tool Steel • Strep Besi ( Flat Bars) • Band Eyzer ( Strapping band Plates) 2. Carbon Steel Pipes ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) • Pipa Baja Hitam ( Black Steel Pipes) • Pipa Air / Galvanis ( Galvanized Pipes) • Pipa Seamless ( Seamless Pipes) ASTM A 53 / A 106 / API 5 L • Pipa Pancang ( ERW Pipes) ASTM A 252 • Pipa Konstruksi STK-400 ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) • Pipa Perabot ( Stalbuist Pipes) • Pipa Kotak ( Rectangular & Square Pipes) 3. Carbon Steel Plates ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) • Plat Besi Hitam ( Hot Rolled Coil/ Sheet) JIS SPHC/ JIS SS400/ ASTM A36 • Plat Kapal ( Ship Building Plate BKI) • Plat Besi Putih ( Cold Rolled Coil/ Sheet) JIS SPCC • Plat Bordes ( Checkered Plate) • Plat Lubang ( Perforated Plate) • Plat Tahan Gesek ( Wear-Resistance Plate) • Plat Galvanil ( Galvaneal) • Plat Galvanis ( Galvanized) • Expanded Metal 4. Carbon Steel Profiles ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) • Siku Besi ( Angle Bars) • Kanal UNP ( U-Channel) • Kanal CNP ( Lip-Channel) ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) • H-Beam I-Beam WF-Beam ( besi/ galvanis/ Stainless Steel ) 5. Pipa Besi / Pipa Baja ( Steel Pipe Carbon Steel ) • Pipa Air ( Pipa Galvanis / Pipa GIP / Steel Galvanized Pipe ) • Pipa Hitam ( Pipa Gas / Pipa SGP / Pipa Black Steel Pipe ) • Pipa Tiang Pancang ( Pipa Spiral Welded ) ASTM A252 Grade 2 ( Grade B ) • Pipa Seamless Schedule ( Sch) 40 , Pipa Seamless Schedule ( Sch) 80 , Pipa Seamless Schedule ( Sch) 160 , Pipa Seamless Galvanis , Pipa Seamless Sumitomo • Pipa Welded ( Pipa ERW ) • Pipa SNI 07- 0039-87 , Pipa API 5L Grade A , Pipa API 5L Grade B , Pipa A106 , Pipa ASTM A53 Grade A , Pipa ASTM A53 Grade B , Pipa ASTM A 120 , Pipa JIS G3452-88 • Pipa Kotak Besi ( Pipa Holo ) , Pipa Kotak Galvalum , Pipa Kotak Galvanis • Pipa Stallbuis / Pipa Ornamen ( Pipa Perabot ) • Pipa Steel Pipe Of Industry ( Pipa Spindo ) . Macam macam pipa Spindo : Pipa MR , Pipa KSZ , Pipa WSZ , Pipa BSA A , Pipa BSA B , Pipa Medium A SNI , Pipa Medium B SNI , Pipa Sch 20 , Pipa Sch 40 • Pipa Bakrie , Pipa Alim 6. Pipa Stainless • Pipa Stainless Ornamen SS201 , Pipa Stainless Ornamen SS304 • Pipa Stainless Industri , Pipa Stainless Schedule ( Sch ) 20 , Pipa Stainless Stainless Schedule ( Sch) 40 • Pipa Stainless Seamless Sch • Pipa Stainless Tetsura , Pipa Stainless Heize , Pipa Stainless Supra , Pipa Stainless Star • Pipa Stainless Kilap , Pipa Stainless DOF • Pipa Kotak Stainless ( Pipa Holo Stainless ) SS201 , Pipa Kotak Stainless SS304 • Aksesoris Pipa Stainless : Flange Stainless , Elbow Stainless , Sok Stainless , Tee Stainless , Reducer Stainless , Ball Valve Stainless 7. Plat Stainless Steel / Coil Stainless Steel • Plat Stainless SS304 finish 1 , Plat Stainless SS304 finish 2 , Plat Stainless SS304L , Plat Stainless SS201 finish 1 , Plat Stainless SS201 finish 2 , Plat Stainless SS316 , Plat Stainless SS316L • Plat Stainless Hairline , Plat Stainless Mirror , Plat Stainless Kilap , Plat Stainless Dof • Plat Strip Stainless , Siku Stainless , Plat Bordes Stainless , Plat Stainless Lubang • Coil Stainless Ss304 , Coil Stainless SS201 , Coil Stainless SS430 • Jasa potong dan tekuk plat stainless • Plat / Coil Stainless Stell Jindall , Plat Stainless Steel Accerinox , Plat Stainless Steel NAS 8. Besi Wiremesh • Besi Wiremesh BRC ( Wiremesh SBRC ) , Besi Wiremesh Lionmesh • Besi Wiremesh sertifikat SNI , Besi Wiremesh NON SNI • Besi Wiremesh U50 , Besi Wiremesh Non U50 • Besi Wiremesh Polos , Besi Wiremesh Ulir ( Wiremesh Berintik) • Besi Wiremesh Lembar ( Wiremesh Sheet ) , Besi Wiremesh Roll • Wiremesh M4 , Wiremesh M5 , Wiremesh M6 , Wiremesh M7 , Wiremesh M8 , Wiremesh M9 , Wiremesh M10 , Wiremesh M12 • Wiremesh Galvanis Hot Dip 9. Plat Besi / Coil Besi • Plat Hitam ( Hot Roll Steel Sheet ) , Plat Putih ( Cold Roll Steel Sheet ) , Coil Cold Roll • Plat SPHC , Plat A36 , Plat SS41 , Plat BKI , Plat BKI KS , Plat BKI GG . Plat Sertifikat , Plat KS • Plat 4x8 , Plat kapal / plat marine ( plat 5x20 , plat 6x20 ) , Plat Ezer • Plat Bordes , Plat Perforated , Plat Saringan , Plat Expand , Plat Strip Besi , Plat lubang , Plat Band Eyzer ( Stripping Band – plat untuk pengikat peti ) • Jasa Potong dan tekuk plat besi 10. Plat • Plat Aluminium , Coil Aluminium , Plat Bordes Aluminium , Plat Strip Aluminium • Plat Galvanis ( Plat Zinc Coated ) , Plat Galvalum ( Plat Zincalume ) , Plat Galvalum warna , Plat Alstar ( Plat Aluminum Coated ) • Coil Galvanis ( Coil Zinc Coated ) , Coil Galvalm ( Coil Zincalume ) , Galvalum Roll , Coil Galvalum G300 , Coil Galvalum G550 , Coil Galvalum lebar 30cm , Coil Galvalum lebar 45 cm , Coil Galvalum lebar 60cm , Coil Galvalum lebar 91.4 cm , Coil Galvalum lebar 121.9cm • Plat Talang Galvalum , Seng Talang , Plat Lokfom ( Plat Galvanis Lokfom ) • Plat Galvanis SNI 11. Atap dan Floordeck • Atap Metal , Atap Galvalum , Atap Galvanis , Atap galvalum warna • Bondek / Floordeck ( Penyangga lantai cor ) , Ribdeck • Seng Gelombang , Seng Gajah Bulan ( Seng Fumira ) • Roof Deck Spandek ( Atap galvalum 9 gelombang ) , Roof Deck Trimdeck ( Atap galvalum 5 gelombang ) , Dinding Galvalum 12 gelombang • Atap Galvalum lebar 68 cm , atap galvalum lebar 75 cm , atap galvalum lebar 76 cm , atap galvalum lebar 80 cm , atap galvalum lebar 1 meter , dinding galvalum lebar 92.5 cm • Nok Bumbungan Atap ( Ridge caping ) , CNP Galvalum , Reng Galvalum , Trust Galvalum 12. Kawat • Kawat SNI , Kawat Galvanis Hot Dip , kawat paku , kawat lapis seng • Kawat Bronjong Pabrikasi / Gabion Pabrikasi ( Kawat Bronjong Mesin ) , Kawat Bronjong manual • Bronjong kawat SNI 03-0090-1999 ( Gabion SNI 03-0090-1999 ) , Bronjong PVC SNI 03-3046-1992 ( Gabion PVC SNI 03-3046-1992 ) • Kawat duri galvanis hot dip , kawat duri untuk huru hara , kawat silet , kawat harmonika galvanis , kawat loket galvanis , kawat silet concertina , kawat bendrat • Kawat BWG 8 , kawat BWG 10 , kawat BWG 12 kawat BWG 14 , kawat BWG 16 13. Pipa PVC / Pipa paralon ( Pipa UPVC ) • Pipa PVC Wavin AW , Pipa PVC Wavin D , Pipa PVC Wavin Black , Pipa PVC Wavin Standar , Pipa PVC Wavin Lite , Pipa PVC Wavin Tigris , Pipa PVC Wavinlok , Pipa PVC Wavinsafe , Pipa PVC Rucika , Pipa PVC Wavin SNI • Pipa PVC Vinilon AW , Pipa PVC Vinilon D , Pipa PVC Vinilon VP , Pipa PVC Vinilon VU , Pipa PVC Vinilon SNI • Pipa PVC Supralon AW , Pipa PVC Supralon D , Pipa PVC Maspion AW , Pipa PVC Maspion D , Pipa PVC Supralon SNI , Pipa PVC Trilliun SNI , Pipa PVC Maspion SNI • Pipa PVC SNI 06-0084-2002 , Pipa PVC SNI 06-4829-2005 , Pipa ISO 4422/ 4065 , Pipa ISO 4437/ 2007 , Pipa PVC JIS K6741-2 , • Pipa pvc s8 , pipa pvc s5 , pipa pvc s10 , pipa pvc s12.5 , pipa pvc s16 • Aksesoris pipa pvc , aksesoris pipa rucika , aksesoris pipa vinilon , aksesoris pipa PVC SNI 06-0135-1987 , aksesoris pipa PVC JIS K6741/ K6742-1979 14. Pipa PE / Pipa HDPE • Pipa PE Supralon ( Pipa HDPE Supralon ) , Pipa PE Wavin ( Pipa HDPE Wavin ) , Pipa PE Innova , Pipa PP-R Westpex Pipa PE Maspion ( Pipe HDPE Maspion ) • Pipa HDPE PN8 , pipa HDPE PN10 , pipa HDPE PN 12.5 , pipa HDPE PN 16 , pipa HDPE PN20 , pipa pvc SDR11 , pipa pvc SDR17, pipa PE 100 , pipa PE 80 • Pipa air panas , pipa untuk fiber optik , pipa food grade , pipa untuk gas cair , pipa untuk kabel • Aksesoris pipa PE , Aksesoris pipa HDPE , Aksesoris Pipa PP-R • Pipa Conduit Westpex 15. Macam macam besi • Besi As , Besi As St41 , Besi As ST42 , Besi As ST 60 , Besi As St90 , Besi As Kotak , Besi Virkan Polos ( besi nako ) , Besi Virkan Ulir , As Stainless Stainless • Besi beton polos ( besi round bar) , besi beton ulir ( besi deformed bar ) , besi beton SNI , besi beton U30 , besi beton U24 , besi beton KS polos , besi beton KS ulir , besi beton sertifikat • Besi Wf / Besi IWF ( Besi Wide Flange ) , Besi H ( Besi Hbeam ) , besi INP , besi WF GG ( besi WF Gunung Garuda ) , besi WF Import , besi Hbeam GG ( Besi Hbeam Gunung Garuda ) , besi WF sertifikat , besi Hbeam sertifikat • Besi Kanal U ( Besi UNP ) , Besi UNP Galvanis , Besi Kanal C ( Besi CNP ) , besi UNP standar JIS , besi CNP standar JIS • Besi siku , besi siku SNI , besi siku KS , besi siku non standar , besi siku lubang , besi siku galvanis hot dip.
Year Founded
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PVC Pipe, Pipe, Building material, Bordes Plate, Iron, Steel & iron
HQ Location
Jl Raya Serang Km 12 Cikupa, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten - 15710, Indonesia
  • Jl Raya Serang Km 12 Cikupa, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten - 15710, Indonesia

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