PT Reftech Jaya Optima (REFTECH) was established in Agustus 2015 under the Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. REFTECH is a company with wide experience in Air Compressor, HVAC, Fire System, Mechanical, and Electrical Contractor for many business sectors, such as oil and gas, marine, power plant, petrochemical, and Industrial in Indonesia.
Air Compressor System: We use experience and knowledge to provide you with the ideal air compressor solutions for your business. We stand behind our air compressors and beside our customers during planning, design, installation and maintenance service (rental air compressor, air audit and service contract).
HVAC System: Provision of Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning, Preventive Maintenance & Services for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) and Related Manpower Supplier for the Oil, Gas and Marine Industries.
Fire System: We offer fire safety engineering, preventive maintenance, and service fire system based on data from clients due to HSE standards.