Pt Pos Indonesia (Persero)

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage · 10000+ Employees
Phone Number: 62224218981
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Pos Indonesia is an Indonesian state-owned company (BUMN) engaged in postal services. Pos Indonesia was appointed by the government to be the national logistics platform for its wide and comprehensive network that spreads throughout Indonesia. Pos Indonesia was established in Jakarta on August 26, 1746. Since its establishment, Pos Indonesia has undergone many changes in name, status, and function before finally becoming PT Pos Indonesia in 1995. In this year, Pos Indonesia also developed its business model from mail delivery service to freight forwarding and logistics service. There are at least 4,800 online post offices with 58,700 points of sales in the form of post offices, Agen Pos, Mobile Postal Service, and others. Pos Indonesia has a dedicated network, reliable distribution system, track and trace system, excellent service, speed, accuracy, and competitive prices. Pos Indonesia has postal services (retail services) in the form of mail and package delivery services. This service includes domestic and international shipping. For domestic shipping, Pos Indonesia provides Q9 Sameday Service, Pos Express, and Pos Kilat Khusus. As for international shipping, Pos Indonesia provides QIX, EMS, Pos Ekspor, and Paket Pos Cepat Internasional. In addition, Pos Indonesia also provides e-commerce financial services through the Pospay and QPOSin AJA applications. For international financial services, Pos Indonesia provides Wesel Pos service. Pos Indonesia also sells postal items such as seals, stamps, philatelic products, and others.
Year Founded
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Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
HQ Location
Kantor Pusat – Graha Pos Indonesia Jalan Banda No.30 Bandung 40115
LogisticsShippingEcommerceSupply ChaiPackage DeliveryOnline PaymentDelivery Services
  • Kantor Pusat – Graha Pos Indonesia Jalan Banda No.30 Bandung 40115
  • Bubutan, ID

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