PT NSSOL SYSTEMS INDONESIA (NSIDN) is an Indonesian-based system integrator company created as an overseas subsidiary of NS Solutions Corporation (NSSOL) Japan, one of the Global leaders in IT Consultant and Solutions Industry. Our parent company (HQ) is the “NS Solutions Corporation”, the IT system company of “NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION”, the largest iron and steel company in the world. We provide wide-ranging solutions based on three pillars: Applications, Infrastructure and Services.
For the past quarter of century, our innovative IT system solution has been employed by various industries, including retail services, finance, telecommunication, public and academic service and many other sectors. With a vast variety of portfolio, NSIDN has a proven its wealthy amount of knowledge and resources in conducting end-to-end services throughout the entire system lifecycle.
As one of the leading ICT solution providers in Japan, NSIDN commits to establish trust relationship with customers and employees to create true business values and to achieve mutual sustainable growth.
For more information, please check out our website from the link below.