PT Digital Capital Indonesia provides professional services to small, medium and large
private businesses. We offer our clients in various industries customized services which
include corporate finance advisory services, accounting, tax planning and advice, listing on
the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), and other
International Exchanges. In addition we are investors in large infrastructure projects such as
Toll Roads, Power Generation, Oil & Gas and IT (Fintech, Digital and Blockchain Banking)
Our clients range from successful sole traders to medium and large sized enterprises
with turnover up to $990m and more substantial enterprises with large turnovers, and
wealthy families who run their own family offices.
We have a loyal and growing client base and are one of the leading accounting firms in the
Jakarta, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, London and Sydney metro area. Our approach is
to partner our business clients and work together to grow the business, increase
operational efficiency, reduce costs, minimize tax, and achieve business and personal goals
of the owners.
Our Hong Kong and Sydney Offices are well positioned to assist Asian and foreign
businesses to set up business in Indonesia and Australia.