BIOCert is an organic and ecosocial inspection and certification body (environmentally and socially responsible production). BIOCert is a member of the Cert All (Certification Alliance), an alliance of organic food certification body in Asia Pacific, provides organic inspection and certification services for national markets, ASEAN, EU, USA and Canada.
Non-profit Organizations, Environmental Services
HQ Location
Jl. Perdana Raya Budi Agung Cimanggu Residence Ruko A1. Kedung Badak, Tanah Sereal, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16165
Bogor, Jawa Barat [Djawa Barat] 16165, ID
SNI OrganicEU OrganicCOR OrganicCafe PracticesImport OrganicOutput Organicand TrainingTraining