Pt Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk

Farming · 10000+ Employees
Phone Number: 6262341434
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About Us: The operational overview of Our Company’s business segments highlights the operational aspects of the activities in 2022. As an integrated agro-business Our Company operates the business of oil palm plantation and the production of palm oil and derivatives; oleochemicals processing; and rubber plantation and the processing of natural rubber products and derivatives. In 2022, Our Company owned and or managed oil palm and rubber plantations with a total planted area of 67,591 Ha, 0.18% lower than 67,714 Ha in 2021, primarily due to the decrease in the areas for immature plantations. As recorded on 31 December 2022, Our Company operated 5 (five) palm oil processing plants, 3 (three) natural rubber processing plants and 1 (one) processing plant in the Oleochemicals segment. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Our Company committed towards the 3P Principles: People, Planet, Profit. Our Company prioritizes the enhancement of contribution to the economic environment which provides sustainable benefits, implements community development through the enhancement of the land’s added-values, minimizes the ecological footprint in its growth, and contributes significantly to the preservation of the environment; in line with the efforts to maintain business sustainability. In relation to environmental management, Our Company minimizes green house gas emissions and waste water; prioritizes acquisitions over land clearance; and applies the zero burning principle consistently.
Year Founded
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HQ Location
Jalan H. R. Rasuna Said Bakrie Tower Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12960, ID
Palm PlantationsRubber PlantationsPalm Oil MillRubber Factoryand Oleochemical Industry
  • Jalan H. R. Rasuna Said Bakrie Tower Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12960, ID

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