Prix Pictet

Prix Pictet specializes in Photography with 2 employees
Phone Number: 020 7847 5000
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About Prix Pictet
Founded in 2008 by the Pictet Group, the Prix Pictet has become the world’s leading award for photography and sustainability. To date, there have been ten cycles of the award, each of which has highlighted a particular facet of sustainability: Water, Growth, Power, Consumption, Disorder, Space, Hope, Fire and Human. Entry to the award is strictly by nomination. The network of nominators worldwide (ca.300) has, over the course of the eight cycles, nominated over 4,700 artists for the award. The nominated works present a powerful testament to the fragile state of our planet. Since 2008 the ten cycles of the Prix Pictet have been shown in exhibitions in many major cities of the world with visitor numbers of over 550,000. The Prix Pictet is an award of 100,000 CHF given to the photographer who, in the opinion of an independent jury, has produced a series of work that is both artistically outstanding and presents a compelling narrative related to the theme of the award. The ten winners so far have been Benoit Aquin, Nadav Kander, Mitch Epstein, Luv Delahaye, Michael Schmidt, Valérie Belin, Richard Moss, Joana Choumali, Sally Mann and Gauri Gill. For each prize cycle, a book has been published by teNeues and distributed worldwide. Each book showcases the work of the shortlisted photographers as well as powerful images produced by a selection of the other nominated photographers.
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HQ Location
120 London Wall Moor House London, England EC2Y5, GB
Prix Pictet Location
  • 120 London Wall Moor House London, England EC2Y5, GB
  • 120 London Wall Moor House London, England EC2Y5, GB

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