PREKURE is a social enterprise that exists to inspire a change in medicine to be more focused on prevention. Prevention before cure.
Today we have a sickness system, not a health system… on average we spend the last 15 years of our lives suffering disability from the complications of one of the big four chronic diseases – dementia, heart disease, diabetes or cancer. The problem is we medicate the symptoms rather than treat the root cause of the disease.
It is now thought that up to 90% of all cancer may be preventable by making lifestyle changes.
PREKURE has a vision to make prescribing lifestyle medicine as easy as it is today to prescribe pills. We will achieve this vision by providing:
1. Free lifestyle and prevention medicine resources
2. Continuing Medical Education (CME) for health professionals
3. Training, accreditation and professional development of Health, Metabolic Health, Mental Health and Master Health Coaches
Together we can change medicine. Prevention is cure. Lifestyle is medicine.