PORTLink involves the creation and utilization of a set of indicators stemming from the port industry in order to shed light in a scarcely researched area regarding the assessment of the relationship between ports, maritime transportation, economic fluctuations and local / regional externalities. Our primary goal involves the utilization of the final outcome of this proposal as a local, regional (or even national) port policy pulse, variants of which will have the added value and capacity to be utilized as measures of a) port / terminal and trade activity and forecasting, b) local and regional economic activity, c) port economic impact (positive and negative externalities), d) port concession performance, e) port economic social and environmental regulation and, f) port / terminal corporate social responsibility performance.
Our indicators, encompassing core factors of local and regional interest, will provide the necessary diversity and customization required before and after potential concession processes; they have the potential to become useful tools for port authorities, central or regional government agencies, in order to empower their role as local regulators.
Apart from the economic aspect of ports and the variables that capture the effects of ports in the formation of externalities, we also intend to utilize environmental and social dimensions of port services and operations. Furthermore, we will evaluate the potentiality of including variables that capture the effects of port development and operations in the local community and society pertaining to quality of life at local level, social cohesion, as well as corporate social responsibility measures.