The Product Liability Advisory Council ("PLAC") is trade association at the forefront of helping product manufacturers, retailers and suppliers stay abreast of legal and regulatory issues that affect their business both today, and in the future. We are a global, diverse, select network of corporations and outside legal professionals providing thought leadership and best practices to help companies manage risk throughout the entire product life cycle. Our members are actively engaged in intellectual property, contractual, regulatory compliance, product recall, litigation, and ADR support.
We share cutting edge information on-line every day, at our bi-annual conferences, through our amicus program, webinars, alerts and working groups.
PLAC was formed in 1983 to analyze, understand, and shape the common law of product liability. For almost 40 years we have advocated for our members in every appellate court in the nation. We have filed over 1,100 amicus briefs on behalf of our corporate members addressing issues of fairness and balance in civil litigation. Our work spans areas such as expert evidence, punitive damages, preemption, personal jurisdiction, class actions, and design defect/warnings.
PLAC’s greatest value and unique characteristic is the commonwealth of legal professionals, who are committed to helping companies navigate an ever-changing landscape of product risk management.
HQ Location
1850 Centennial Park Dr
Reston, VA 20191, US
Product liability lawAppellate advocacyAmicus briefsExpert evidencePunitive damagesPreemptionPersonal jurisdictionClass actionsDesign defect/warningsRegulatory complianceProduct recallLitigationAlternative dispute resolution (ADR)
Cutting edge information sharingBi-annual conferencesAmicus programWebinarsAlertsWorking groups
legal associatioproduct liabilitylitigatioregulatory compliancemicus briefsppellate