Our Vision
To be the leading factory for providing Ready Mixed Concrete in Sudan.
Our mission
To constantly improve our business performance through people training strategy of team enterprise, the operation of effective quality management systems, and the integration of technology in a manner that enhances product and service quality.
Company Overview
Petra for ready mixed concrete factory is one of the first private institutions in Khartoum, specialized in Ready-mix Concrete manufacturing, which was founded in early 2006. Our main branch is located in Khartoum Jabra as well as another branch in Bahri.
In addition to that, our own Sieve plant, it segregates different types of natural aggregates, which are used in the concrete.
Today the factory employs over 500 people; the factory owns five different batchers that produce around 600 cubic meters per an hour.
For almost more than 15 years, we have been successfully supplying concrete to entire scale of projects in the market from residential houses to prestigious, technically demanding commercial, national and industrial projects. We have produced and poured thousands of cubic meters to date.