První brněnská strojírna, a.s. (PBS Brno) is an engineering company providing complex power-generating units and developing advanced industrial boilers and turbosets. Our production focuses on industrial electricity and heat generation technology.
PBS Brno is a beneficial and reliable partner for EPC projects and offers comprehensive services for streamlining heat and electric power generation, efficiency improvement, and reduction of environmental impact.
We hold innovative proprietary technology for industrial boilers and steam turbine designs for various fuel types, and advanced biomass and waste combustion technology.
PBS Brno possesses technological know-how backed by more than 200-year tradition of top-quality industrial technology. The first turbine, according to our design, was manufactured by our company as early as 1906 and we are a member of the prestigious multinational PBS GROUP a.s.
Biomass Combustion – Various Types Incl. Contaminated RDF and Waste Combustion
Gas and Oil Boilers
Flue Gas Boilers – HSRG
Special boilers and test benches
Condensing Steam Turbines
Backpressure Steam Turbines
Turboexpanders for Gas Reduction
Power Turbines
Steam Turbine and Expansion Turbine MRO
Boiler MRO
Engineering Services (Design, Construction, Analysis, Documentation, Implementation)
Development of Industrial Boilers for Waste Combustion
Development of Cogeneration Cycle Gas Micro-Turbines
Research of Boilers for Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle
Research of New Ammonia Combustion Technology
Research of New Emission-Free Technology for Heat and Power Production and Storage