The consulting firm PAN GEO was founded in 1997 in Stuttgart (Germany) as a partnership. From 1999 to 2016, PAN GEO was a sole proprietorship, and since 2017 PAN GEO runs as a limited company (GmbH) by the managing director and shareholder Dr. Johannes Feifel.
The PAN GEO core team has three employees and a network of freelancers that are specifically integrated into the project work.
PAN GEO offers a diverse range of services in the field of applied geography at the following business areas (BA):
BA1: Transportation & Logistics (public & private)
BA2: Economic Development & Business Consultation
BA3: Venues (MICE)
BA4: Urban & Regional Planning & Development
Meanwhile, PAN GEO can look back to around 150 smaller and larger successfully completed projects. As a selection of references with typical applications should be listed here:
- Location and feasibility study for a new exhibition centre in Karlsruhe (construction cost over 150 million EUR)
- Preparatory studies for the urban redevelopment of the district of Veielbrunnen adjacent to the public magnet "NeckarPark" (with Stadium (60,000 capacity), multi-purpose hall (15,000 capacity), fairground, Mercedes-Benz Museum etc.) in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
- Study about the regional economic benefits of the famous Handball club "Frisch Auf! Göppingen" (first league in Germany) as an argument for public funding to modernize and expand their home arena
- Concept about the development of commercial space in the dynamically growing city of Regensburg
- School development plan for Sinsheim (forecasts, facility planning etc.) (nearby Mannheim)
Managing Director and Shareholder: Dr. Johannes Feifel
Stuttgart Registry Court
Commercial Register No. HRB 758994
VAT ID (UST ID-Nr.): DE 311 696 546
In a letter dated August 3rd, 2020, PAN GEO received the permission according to §34c paragraph 1 sentence 1 numbers 1 to 4 GewO from the responsible licensing authority IHK Region Stuttgart.
Business Consulting and Services, Demographie-Beratung, Projektentwicklung für Immobilien, Immobilien, Stadtplanungsbüros, Potenzialanalysen, Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen, Marktanalysen, Verkehrsplanung, Beratung, wissenschaftliche
HQ Location
Kronenstraße 35
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg 70174, DE
BA1: Transport infrastructure developmentBA1: TEN-T fundingBA2: Feasibilities studiesBA2: Municipal economic developmentBA3: Socioeconomic studiesBA3: Planningconstruction & operationBA4: Urban & regional developmentand BA4: Demographic studies