Outokumpu on sitä mitä siitä teemme!
Outokummun kaupunki on noin 6 500 asukkaan vireä, viihtyisä ja elinvoimainen pohjoiskarjalainen paikkakunta, joka tunnetaan mm. ainutlaatuisesta kaivoshistoriastaan ja modernista teknologiaperinteestään, moninaisista harrastus- ja vapaa-ajanviettomahdollisuuksistaan, upeasta luonnostaan, kattavasta kulttuuritarjonnastaan sekä yrittäjä- ja yhdistysmyönteisyydestään.
Welcome to Outokumpu - The Very Heart of Eastern Finland!
Outokumpu is a vivid, vibrant, vital and visionary town in North Karelia, Finland (see map). Currently there are about 7,000 inhabitants in the city. In Outokumpu you can ia find pure Finnish nature as it’s finest, and visit the birthplace of the modern Mining Industry at the Old Mine (founded in 1913) and the Mining Museum located right at the city centre. Music, theatre, movies, dance, circus, library plus plenty of other arts and culture – you can experience it all in here!
Town of Outokumpu is located between the biggest cities in Eastern Finland: Kuopio (100 kilometres) and Joensuu (45 kilometres from Outokumpu). Within 100 km radius from Outokumpu there are over 250,000 inhabitants, two airports, many well-known Finnish and European tourist attractions such as Koli National Park and the Monasterys of New Valamo and Lintula, plus two campuses of the University of Eastern Finland (located in Kuopio and Joensuu).
Learn more! http://www.outokummunkaupunki.fi/inenglish