We are OutSmart, Energy Asset Experts, active in the renewable energy sector. We act as frontrunner in the energy transition market since 2008. We are known and are being asked for our Power of Predictability: the ability to predict accurately, our pro-active and transparent way of collaboration and our innovative solutions.
We work for investors, owners, fund managers of renewable production assets (like wind- and solar parks and biomass power plants) and for industrial off-takers of energy.
We have a lean and mean organization with 45 employees, who are each specialist in their professional discipline. We operate from three countries: The Netherlands, Germany and the UK. We are a daughter company of Deutsche Windtechnik and work close together on technical solutions for wind turbines.
We believe that short and midterm efficiency can be predicted well and can be influenced, despite the harsh conditions the renewable energy sector face. We enable ourselves to deal with these characteristics and with success: we are market leader in Northwest Europe and have long relationships with our clients.
We act independently and cover the whole lifecycle of renewable energy assets: we Facilitate, Operate and Optimize.
We offer three propositions:
1. Power Plant Management of renewable energy assets
2. Direct Offtake Agreements (direct agreement between assets and off-taker)
3. Expertise Sharing
We would like to have an open discussion about your objectives, pain, or challenges by following the steps:
Step 1 – Analyse
Step 2 – Determine Objectives and Strategy
Step 3 – Partnering, Co-operate or Facilitate
Operations Consulting, District heating, cooling, steam and compressed air supply services, Energy, fuel and water, Energy, Environment
HQ Location
Westervoortsedijk 73
building HB
Arnhem, Gelderland 6827, NL
Technical Operations Management Wind AssetsCommercial Operations Management Wind AssetsDirect Offtake AgreementsO&M Strategy Wind Energy ProjectsBusiness ModelingContract DevelopmentOperational ReadinessLicense to OperatePPApower plant management