Origin Training Centre (OTC) was established with an approach to train, enhance and develop Human Capital, ranging from employees of the private and public sectors in addition to job seekers.
The trainings are delivered in a simulative and innovative methodology and digitized solutions taking into consideration the market needs and trends.
The Programmes
Our programs are designed to ensure that our trainees are competent to adopt up-to-date skills to apply them in today`s demanding work environment and proficient to turn challenges into opportunities.
Our impressive range of innovative and diversified training programs are designed and delivered by a team of multilingual and multinational professionals experienced in providing training solutions applicable to today`s business challenges.
We are committed to provide quality training in the standards and practices that govern the way we approach our business. This is reinforced through alliances that we have formed with distinguished local, regional and international professional and accreditation bodies.
Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
Building 2347, Road 2830, Block 428
6th floor, Jeera II
Seef, Manama 24040, BH
Professional certificatioBasic skills programsProfessional developmentProfessional trainingBusiness educatioExecutive developmentAATCIPSILMISM