ORBIX, IN SYMBIOSIS WITH CIRCULAR ECONOMY Closing material and CO2 loops Creating value We produce materials through innovative technologies and in a sustainable way. Our ambition is clear: to achieve zero waste in all our activities. We recover different waste streams / co-products and value them as new materials that can be reused for various applications. Orbix develops sustainable materials and technologies for the construction and steelmaking sector (road building, concrete, civil engineering works, etc.). The innovative technologies we develop, we put them in place at home, and our vocation is also to implement them in other companies. For instance, our innovative carbonation technology, Carbstone Innovation, aims to produce building materials with a very low environmental impact and negative CO2 emission. Since 1996, we have been recovering waste and co-products from the steel industry and we are exploiting natural raw materials. In addition, we offer our customers and partners logistics and storage services. In 2016, TRC is renamed Orbix. The head office is in Genk (Belgium). The subsidiaries Recmix and Elzasel are now part of this new company. The name Orbix was not chosen at random, it refers to "orbis", which means "circle" in Latin. A name that is fully in line with our circular vision of the company.