OPEAM is a dynamic and energetic company that promotes and supports safety and environmental activities in collaboration with petrochemical and Government corporations.
OPEAM operates across three key areas:
OPEAM Aviation Services is divided into three categories; Consultancy, Maintenance and Specialised Services. Aviation fuelling operations, equipment needs and servicing is well covered by our specialists across each of these groups. We have experience in vehicle building, site installations, repairs, tank cleaning and routine maintenance throughout the country.
OPEAM Safety Services provides safety officers, permit writers, safety standby duties and fire-watch personnel across a range of sites. The Company provides personnel on both a permanent on-going basis as well as short duration projects when and where required.
OPEAM Environment Services covers marine pollution control activities, equipment supply and equipment maintenance. This section also has a Marine division which looks after the vessels and
the ongoing (water borne) litter collection services for the City of Melbourne.