OneCommunity is a nonprofit organization that accelerates the use of information technology in Northeast Ohio in order to drive economic development and improve health care, education, and government services.
We are striving to make Northeast Ohio a Smart Region by using technology to connect our community.
We believe technology is a key to Northeast Ohio’s return to prosperity. Simply put, no other organization in the region does what OneCommunity does.
OneCommunity’s core business is owning and operating one of the world’s most robust fiber-optic, broadband (high-speed Internet) networks. Through that expanding network, more than 1,500 institutions around 24 Northeast Ohio counties – primarily schools, libraries, governments, hospitals, and universities – will eventually be connected to the Internet, and in some cases to each other.
These lightning-fast connections, which have produced $35 million in savings for our subscribers, allow for a host of cutting-edge applications, providing a platform for innovation and growth in our region.
Other OneCommunity programs address such issues as access to computers and broadband service and building the skills necessary to use them.