We are the FACENS robotics team. The Omegabotz was born in 2005 by students interested in robotics and with the desire to create robots to compete at Winter Challenge. It was inactive because the students graduated and leave FACENS later your foundation, but it was reformulated in 2015, where we restart the work on the most different areas. Is a team formed by studens of Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba - FACENS (Engineering College of Sorocaba), which desings, builds and program automated and radio-controlled robots to participate in the largest robotics tournaments in the world. With this, the students develop pratical skills to build and scale robots for the most varied soluctions through the knowledge acquired during classes. The Omegabotz main objective is train the students for the most diverse forms of automation, creating skills of teamwork, achieve goals and work under pressure, making the students turn more independent and responsible, always looking for new technologies and solutions for each challenge.
For more informations about the team, send an email to: omegabotz@facens.br