We respect our customers’ knowledge by avoiding the obvious and instead sharing what
they want and need to know without jargon or condescension. And while the tone of our
communications and level of technical detail can change depending on the audience or
situation, our voice stays the same.
Our voice builds connections and engages people because we speak to them in their
language. Our voice is warm and welcoming because we’re real people talking to other real
people. We’re intentional and friendly, and we keep it conversational.
Because we take the time to listen to our customers’ questions, we’re able to share our
insights in language that works for them.
Even when we share technical details, our voice sounds human—we transform product
specifications into meaningful and understandable information. Our voice is confident
because we have the experience and expertise to help our customers reach their goals.
Our copy is purposeful, simple, and clear, not over-engineered or cumbersome, to help our
customers feel confident in trusting us