Located in Maryland USA, Old Line Capital leads with a methodical, disciplined approach for developing the most promising new tech ventures. We are a team of experienced and successful technology entrepreneurs, with over 30 years of engineering and business experience and multiple exits. We guide and partner with technology startups through a process of training, advising, early seed capital, market validation, mentoring, promotion and syndication.
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
HQ Location
4111 Arjay Circle
Ellicott City, Maryland 21042, US
Methodical, disciplined approachDeveloping promising new tech venturesTraining technology startupsAdvising technology startupsMarket validationMentoringPromotionSyndicationEngineering experienceBusiness experienceMultiple exits
TechnologyVenture CapitalSmall BusinessMentoringAcceleratorCommercializatioEngineeringAnalysis