The Ohio Physical Therapy Association (OPTA) is non-profit professional trade organization representing physical therapists, physical therapist assistants who are licensed in Ohio and Ohio physical therapist students and physical therapist assistant students. OPTA represents approximately 3,200 therapists and therapy students in Ohio. This organization is an affiliate of the American Physical Therapy Association, a national professional organization representing more than 88,000 members.
Our Mission
- Our mission is to provide the driving force for advancing physical therapy practice.
- Our vision is for Ohio to be the model of excellence, led by the advocacy, leadership and expertise of the members of the OPTA, for autonomous physical therapy practice.
Our Goals
- Recruit, mentor, and retain members and leaders.
- Advocate for health and governmental policies that advance PT practice.
- Improve the reimbursement climate for PT services.
- Increase public awareness of the practice of PT.
- Provide premiere professional development and programming.
- Advance the science of PT practice.