Off Centre became part of Family Action in May 2018. We support the mental health and well-being needs of young people aged 11-25 in east London to enable them to make positive choices. Our clients present with complex or multiple mental health needs often arising from depression, anxiety, substance misuse, self-harm and/or risk-taking behaviour. Our clients have typically experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse; sexual exploitation; substance misuse, neglect or domestic violence.
We provide a range of counselling and therapeutic services and work on a one-to-one and group basis with clients. Our expertise includes psychotherapy, art psychotherapy, and counselling. Offering a range of approaches helps young people to find a way to explore and come to terms with the issues they face.
We combine our therapeutic work with psychosocial support as young people with mental health needs will also often have other support needs which impact on their wellbeing. Our advice and information work encompasses casework in accessing employment, training, housing, benefits and a wide range of other issues. Our work also includes other positive activities for young people, including peer-led support and an LGBTQ group.
We work closely and collaboratively with colleagues in other organisations, including the NHS, local authorities and third sector.