Oceanus is an infrastructure development company focusing on delivering water and energy security to impacted regions. The Oceanus value proposition lies in the integration of three proven technologies: saltwater reverse osmosis desalination, pumped hydropower storage and renewable energy
The reliable supply of affordable, renewable power and clean drinking water are among the world’s most pressing challenges, and Oceanus seeks to address these challenges with its innovative Integrated Pumped Hydro Reverse Osmosis Clean Energy System (IPHROCES) for deployment across a wide variety of locations, including coastal locations with adequate elevation nearby and demand for water and energy storage
IPHROCES provides safe and robust energy storage with some of the lowest Levelized Cost of Energy Storage. The co-location of pumped storage hydro with reverse osmosis desalination achieves demonstrable cost reductions, energy efficiency, and emissions reductions, while offering an affordable and very low emissions sources of water and brine discharge solutions