Oak Roots

Oak Roots specializes in Professional Training and Coaching with 1 employees
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About Oak Roots
Why “Oak Roots?” Oak trees are special to us. Different species of oak grew around the houses we grew up in and surround our home now in Central Texas. Oaks are great for shade on a hot day. Their branches are strong, and perfect for hanging tire swings or birdfeeders. They can live for centuries. Then even when their lives are over, their strength still shows in industry, furniture, and art. And is there anything tastier than oak-smoked food or vegetables? (We’re partial to brisket). Part of why oaks are strong and can live so long is what’s going on underground. Oak roots aren’t the deepest roots of all trees, but they do have a balance of depth and width. An oak first grows its tap root straight down, before then growing roots out horizontally. Ok, interesting arboriculture lesson. But what does that have to do with you? Are you feeling rooted in the ways you hope to be, or that you feel you need to be? Maybe the tap root isn’t the issue. You feel centered and like there’s depth in your life, but you don’t feel connected to others or your place in the world. Or maybe near the surface things seem fine, you’re connected to others and have lateral roots. But you aren’t sure who you really are. Either way… we’re here to help. ------ Ways we can help: "Your story so far" We all have stories. Telling those stories is important, for ourselves and the world. We can listen and walk you through your life story; paying attention to the themes, struggles, and advances. We will figure out together what your story has been so far. Then you keep the recording for yourself, to share with others as you see fit. "Writing the next chapters" While it’s important to reflect on life and how we wound up who we are or where we are, we can’t stay there. Our years of pastoring, along with corporate experience organizing and leading teams, give us unique perspectives on how to help you discern and move forward into what’s next.
Year Founded
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Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
Austin, TX, US
Oak Roots Location
  • Austin, TX, US

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Oak Roots specializes in the Professional Training and Coaching field