Out The Line USA (OTL app) is designed to increase security, stability, ease of use and speed of service. Our mobile app allows customers to shop online, in a hassle-free manner. You can order through the app and pick up the items at the store or have it delivered to your home or business. We also offer custom made QR codes for stores that customers can scan from their mobile devices to make payments. Merchants can add unlimited products or unlimited services on our CMS (Custom Management System). Every store that partner up with us our CMS automatically creates a costume QR for the store and for every single item they sell or any services the merchant provide. Merchant and customers will receive an email receipt right after purchase. So, no queue and no waiting! Our system delivers the tools needed to minimize cost, maximize profits, and efficiently manage your payments. There are many features to help business owners and management while on the go - from trigger email to offsite auto backups, real time reports, to social media driven loyalty solutions.
OTL is great for merchants because we provide the lowest transaction fee in the market which means less fee cost in all sales.