SC Machine-tool plant "Krasny borets" is a great manufacturer of precise equipment. High technological level of production, high qualification of workers and engineering staff allow to produce the equipment of modern level. OJSC Machine-tool plant "Krasny borets" is included into holding company "Belstankoinstrument" which is the largest machine building association in the territory of the former Soviet Union. The plant disposes of a good production base for manufacturing various high-precision equipment both of universal and special purpose. Today RUPE “Machine-tool plant “Krasny borets” is a prominent manufacturer of metal working equipment not only in Belarus but also in all the post Soviet area (in the C.I.S. countries). Trade mark (brand) “Krasny borets” is well known in more than 110 countries of the world where the machines of our enterpise have been delivered to since 60-s of the past century and are still successfully delivered.