We are OKR enthusiasts who came together to bring other OKR people together and have collaborative conversations to leverage the framework.
OKR Cohort Mission: Collectively enable everyone to be relentlessly focused on outcomes through OKRs
Why does OKR Cohort exist?
• Association to collectively enable organizations to align their business goals through OKRs.
• Ability to bridge strategy to execution.
• Translation of strategy into action.
• OKRs are used to achieve the desired outcomes through common goals, shared commitments, and clear accountability
OKR Cohort Vision: Enable anyone to transparently align and achieve the desired outcomes in their strategy
• Outcome mindset
• Business can achieve their outcomes with true value driven output
• Business can achieve their strategy
• Can have ability to bridge their strategy and get closer to the work
• Value driven outputs
• Bring strategy closer to work
• Shared commitment
OKR Cohort Values:
• Enable organizations to be transparent so everyone is aligned to the purpose
• Drive inspiration for organization to align their people through outcome focused connection
• Ensuring organizations work on the right thing at the right time with the right people through prioritization
• Empower people to say yes, no or maybe later through data-based decisions with aligned ORKs
• Collectively, as a community, strive to build outcome mindsets in every organization
Our Objectives:
Become the recognized experts on OKRs
Foster OKR expertise
Connect OKR enthusiasts to drive outcome focus