Nuvotronics is in the business of delivering performance-redefining front-end passives through our game changing PolyStrata® technology. As a leading microelectronics provider with full in-house design, manufacturing and supply capabilities, we help our customers solve challenging problems across a wide range of applications and markets, including Space Defense, Test & Measurement, Electronic Warfare, Commercial Space and Communications Infrastructure. Our range of solutions including individual passive components, integrated passives or packages, deliver ultra-low loss, high isolation and robust power handling capabilities all encapsulated in micro-miniature surface mount form-factors.
At Nuvotronics, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of high frequency front-end passives, consistently reimagining and delivering cutting-edge innovation primed for mainstream adoption.
Semiconductor Manufacturing, Radios, Jukeboxes, Audio Equipment & Supplies, Other, Antennas, Electronic Components, Automation & Electronics, Arrays, Diplexers
HQ Location
2305 Presidential Drive
Durham, NC 27703, US
microwavemillimeter wavemicrofabricatiosatcomesphased arraysGaN backplanesDefensetennaselectronic warfare