Nth Degree Cpas

Accounting · 2 Employees
Phone Number: 12066820281
Email Address: info@nthdegreecpas.com
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We understand that all businesses start with people and ideas. Those two things are what make your business unique and what makes it succeed. Our goal is to help your people and ideas succeed. We offer a wide range of services to do just that. From accounting to income taxes, software training to development, and much more we are here to help you succeed. Nth Degree CPAs was founded in 2008 with the objective of building a successful practice by helping small business owners to achieve their financial goals. Nth Degree CPAs provides an offering that integrates tax planning and preparation with accounting and CFO-level financial guidance. Nth Degree CPAs is a financial consultancy that works with small business owners to expand their financial capabilities at all points throughout the year. Unlike conventional accounting firms that focus on tax-prep, that have primarily transactional relationships with their clients, and that do the bulk of their work in the first three months of the year—Nth Degree CPAs seeks long-term partnerships where we can help our clients avoid financial pitfalls and maximize profit opportunities throughout the entire year. Our services fit into three stages, each of which builds on the former: accounting and tax; reporting and metrics; and, decision analysis. Nth Degree CPAs tells all of their clients, to make good decisions, you need good data. Put another way, bad accounting equals bad decisions.
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1809 7th Ave Suite 303 Seattle, WA 98101, US
TaxBookkeepingConsultingAccountingSmall Business
  • 1809 7th Ave Suite 303 Seattle, WA 98101, US

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