Nteraction is the world’s first Digital Content Engagement platform that delivers a communication failsafe to intelligently engage your constituents with timely notifications and multimedia content. Now you can not only notify, but instruct, educate, and ensure your business can continue to operate, even in a crisis.
For Business Continuity and Threat Response Teams
Nteraction Communication FailSafe serves as a secure, persistent outside digital channel to engage your employees, partners, agents and customers in the event of a Cyber Attack or other outage.
Nteraction can even be used for other departments across your business.
For Sales Teams
Close deals faster with the up-to-date, personalized content and real-time analytics to identify legitimate prospects immediately.
For Marketing Teams
Get the strategic focus, cross-functional visibility, and AI driven operational efficiency you need to orchestrate personalized customer experiences and highly successful micro-campaigns
For Customer Success Teams
Provide an optimized customer experience leveraging multi-media, multi-modal, multi-lingual content to onboard customers, provide world-class support and promote enhanced customer satisfaction.
For Human Resource Teams
Deliver multimedia content that describes your company's brand to recruits, deliver consistently exciting content to employees in newsletters or drive education and enablement.
Nteraction. Communication Failsafe and more.
Software Development
HQ Location
2442 S. Downing St.
Denver, CO 80210, US
Communication failsafeBusiness continuityThreat responseCyber attack mitigationAI-driven operational efficiencyPersonalized customer experiencesCross-functional visibilityCustomer onboardingEmployee educationBrand promotion
Digital Content Engagement platformTimely notificationsMultimedia contentReal-time analyticsPersonalized contentMicro-campaignsMulti-media, multi-modal, multi-lingual content
Customer ExperienceCustomer EngagementAnalyticsArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningContent ExperiencePersonalizatioEmployee EngagementOn-boardingSales Engagement