The Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre Inc is a non profit community legal service that was established in 1996. Our vision is that disadvantaged and low income earners have access to legal services. Our organisation has two offices, one in Mirrabooka and one at Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Campus, Wanneroo and Yanchep. Our lawyers and advocates provide legal advice, advocacy, education and limited representation on matters of family law, civil law, tenancy law, and some criminal matters. We also operate a specialist legal service the Older Peoples Rights Service a legal and social work service for those experiencing or at risk of experiencing elder abuse. We also have a partnership with the Edith Cowan University School of Law where we operate a law student placement program. In addition to these services we also offer free community legal education to indigenous groups and newly arrived migrants from non English speaking backgrounds. We also have a community advocate who specialises in providing assistance to new migrants from non English speaking backgrounds.
Our Vision:
That all disadvantaged and low income earners have access to affordable legal services.
Our Values:
To provide accessible legal services on a non- discriminatory, equitable basis.
Our Mission:
To deliver high quality, affordable legal services to disadvantaged and low income earners.
Our Objectives:
To identify and respond to unmet legal and related needs of the northern suburbs community;
To provide strategic direction and leadership for the centre;
To engage the community in the development and provision of services; and
To ensure the Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre is effective and accountable.