About ISSA
The primary goal of the Information Systems Security Association, Inc. (ISSA) is to promote management practices that will ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of organizational information resources. Information systems security is an increasingly critical aspect of information systems design and maintenance. Many organizations do not have dedicated information systems and network security personnel they have generalists many of whom are not familiar with information security practices. The ISSA is dedicated to providing resources to such people and organizations, as well as to generally raising the level of security and data privacy consciousness among information systems personnel in all organizations.
To achieve this goal, members of the Association must reflect the highest standards of ethical conduct and technical competence. Therefore, ISSA has an established Code of Ethics and requires it's observance as a pre-requisite and continuation of membership and affiliation with the Information Systems Security Association. For a copy of the Code of Ethics go to the ISSA web site.
About the North Texas Chapter
The Dallas/Fort Worth area has many large corporations, government organizations, and educational institutions. Our membership comes from the network and information systems professionals of these organizations and institutions, as well as vendors of security products. We seek to provide our members with access to information and resources to assist their employers in securing critical information resources. Our monthly luncheon meetings, newsletters, and other resources are available to members and non-members alike to assist in educating security practitioners of all types.