Welcome to North River Ventures, home of FutureCreators. We built FutureCreators on the Information Cost-Velocity Curve (ICVC), the main driving force of civilization since we learned to mumble. This makes FutureCreators the most comprehensive business management system ever created. And the first available entirely on a platform of video tutorials.
FutureCreators layer the millennia-long purpose of business—to turn customer information into cash faster than the competition—onto the ICVC. On the ICVC today, information velocity is increasing, and costs are falling, at The Rate of Cloud Inflation. This makes the Cloud-driven ICVC shift faster than any in human history.
To manage your place on the ICVC, the FutureCreators revolution is the first major overhaul of management since the development of the public corporation in the mid-nineteenth century. The shearing forces of Cloud Inflation drove FutureCreators to redesign every aspect of business operation from R&D to sales and service and M&A. Nothing is untouched; everything is changed. We have video tutorials on all of this. Visit our website to create a trial account.