NEAIR is an individual membership driven organization, serving primarily the northeast region, promoting effectiveness in postsecondary education through excellence in the field of institutional research. As such, NEAIR focuses on facilitating the professional development of its members while promoting best practices and ensuring integrity in institutional research. Central to the fulfillment of this mission are the following core values:
We value: (1) a rich and diverse community of members that reflect the various sectors of postsecondary education and is welcoming to individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and skills; (2) the open exchange of ideas through collegiality and networking; and (3) the ongoing professional development of members throughout the span of their careers.
NEAIR aspires to be a premier member services organization by providing the best possible programming, services, and networking opportunities that promote and strengthen the skills and knowledge of the institutional research and effectiveness profession in an ever-changing world.
Core Competencies
CC #1: Provide high quality, relevant, and timely professional development opportunities for members at all career levels to support their competence and advancement in the professional field.
CC #2: Provide opportunities for members to develop mutually beneficial and supportive relationships to cultivate a strong professional network where mentoring is valued and where communities of practice are formed to support learning and innovation in the field.
CC #3: Provide leadership opportunities to raise members’ and our profession’s profiles inside and outside of our institutions.
CC #4: Provide an inclusive and welcoming community for all of its members to support their lifelong learning and development.