The North Carolina AIDS Action Network (NCAAN) is a statewide advocacy organization fighting for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), their loved ones, and people at risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS in North Carolina.
We are committed to building HIV/AIDS advocacy capacity at the grassroots by inviting every North Carolinian who cares about HIV/AIDS to become part of our Action Team – the wide community of supporters who we provide with periodical updates, timely Action Alerts, and opportunities to participate in major advocacy events, including HIV/AIDS Advocacy Day.
NCAAN cultivates grassroots leadership by inviting Action Team members to join our Volunteer Team – the core group of supporters who we offer opportunities to participate in advocacy trainings and to use their growing advocacy skills at NCAAN volunteer events. We mentor enthusiastic volunteers and help them to become Community Action Leaders – skilled, experienced Volunteer Team members who help to carry out advocacy activities with members of their local communities. By providing people with these skills and opportunities, we foster greater civic engagement among everyone who cares about HIV/AIDS issues, including people living with HIV/AIDS.