Nordic Equities, founded in 1993, is an independent asset management firm with a focused and long-term global investment strategy. Nordic Equities clients are based both in Sweden and abroad and consist primarily of charity, cultural and health care foundations, pension funds, insurance companies, family offices, banks and individuals. We have a horizontal and vertical perspective and believe in constant learning through our network of international advisors and companies.
Nordic Equities recently arranged its 25th year anniversary with 200 participants and regularly arranges seminars and digital activities to describe how our investment theme GURAIS (Globalization, Urbanization, Robotization, Artificial Intelligence, Internetification and Standardization) affects the world. Speakers have, among others, been The Swedish Minister for Industry and Innovation, Ibrahim Baylan. Also Staffan Hemrå, Minister of the Swedish Embassy in Berlin, Hans Stråberg, Chairman of the board at Atlas Copco, Johan Forssell, CEO Investor, Lars Wedenborn, CEO the Wallenberg Foundation AB, Stefan Karlsson, the Swedish State Export Credit, Helena Stiernholm CEO Industrivärden, Bernard Horn Founder Polaris AM Boston, Kristofer Segerberg previous Soros AM New York, Jaques Lapouge French Ambassador to Sweden, Christian Schoenenberger Suisse Ambassador to Sweden and Shigeyuki Hiroki Japanese Ambassador to Sweden have been participating.