Speed is our religion
We build the world's fastest websites and make that a truly enjoyable process.
Top Google rankings and high performing SEO, require your website or online shop to be super fast.
But only 2% of all websites worldwide are super fast with a Google Lighthouse score of 90+. Ninjible we deliver websites with a guaranteed 90+ Lighthouse score. So if you partner with Ninjible your website will be part of that global top 2% and in the slip stream your business has a much better chance to florish.
We hear our competitors say: “If it has to be fast, it will be more expensive.” Or if it has to be cheaper: “Then we do it cheap and dirty.” … But is that what you are looking for as a client?! We know it can be done differently.
Ninjible applies manufacturing logistics to IT development. In the golden rule in the world of manufacturing is: fast production + clever processes + precision = lower costs. This is the Ninjible IT philosophy too.
You want faster, clever and … cheaper?
We deliver on all three and this is what we deliver in the process:
• Progressive Web Apps
• E-commerce projects
• Minimal Viable Product