Nicoponics is a company dedicated to give solution for the hydroponics community. Booth company founders Gerard and Nipun are PhD graduates in Mechanical Engineering. Gerard's expertise is related to numerical simulations of large wind farms and solar farms, in order to study their optimization in terms of energy production. Nipun's expertise relies in the design and construction of new climate measurement stations for research related in climate change, weather forecast, micro-meteorology, among other applications. Gerard's passion for the plants and Nipun's passion for electronics have been combined in order to develop the most efficient indoor hydroponics setup. The SkyFarm series have been the result after years of testing and modifications, and we are ready to share it with the rest of the world. Nicoponics has been supported by experienced enthusiasts that are passionate about their work and contribution to rapidly evolving in the hydroponics industry. Nicoponics is more than just a company, it is rapidly growing platform of people with a unique mission: "improve the day of tomorrow by being self sustainable".