Nickel Industries Limited (ASX:NIC) is an ASX-listed company that owns a portfolio of mining and low-cost downstream nickel processing assets in Indonesia.
The Company has a long history in Indonesia, with controlling interests in the world-class Hengjaya Mine, as well as four rotary kiln electric furnace (RKEF) projects which produce nickel matte for the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain and nickel pig iron (NPI) for the stainless-steel industry.
Having established itself as a globally significant producer of NPI, the Company is now rapidly transitioning its production to focus on the EV battery supply chain – recently, the Company has converted some of its existing production from NPI to nickel matte, and also acquired a 10% interest in the Huayou Nickel Cobalt (HNC) HPAL project, adding mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) to its product portfolio.
Nickel Industries is now embarking on its next transformative step, investing in Excelsior Nickel Cobalt (ENC), a next-generation HPAL project capable of producing MHP, nickel sulphate and nickel cathode. ENC will produce approximately 72,000 tonnes of nickel metal per annum, diversifying the Company’s production and reducing the Company’s carbon emissions profile – reflecting its strong commitment to sustainable operations.
Mining, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Utilities
HQ Location
66 Hunter St
Sydney, New South Wales 2000, AU
electric furnacerotary kilnstainless steeldevelopment environmentalnickel projectsclass nickelangel nickelkiln electricnickel rotary kilnranger nickel construction